The Keyboard Wellness Seminar is canceled this summer 2018.  


Please come back next summer,
dates and location TBA.

Daily Lectures

Topics include Anatomy and Posture, How Motion Affects Sound, Rotation, Octaves and Staccatos, In and Out, Up and Down, Lateral Arm Movements, Shaping, and more.

Breakout Sessions

Small groups that meet with a different faculty member each day to further discuss and practice the topics discussed in the lectures.

Synergistic Disciplines

Also offered are Alexander Technique, HeartMath and Freeze Frame, Reflexology, Developmental Fitness, Music and the Brain, Biofeedback.

Nightly Concerts

Performances by faculty, and opportunities for participants to perform in recital.


Constructive comments from Ms. Paige on a piece performed in front of an audience.

Technique Clinics

Aid in practicing difficult sections of a piece;  a great way to help integrate into your playing the ideas that Ms. Paige discusses.

Private Lessons

Private instruction with a faculty member


Sheila PaigeFounder of Keyboard Wellness Seminar and Piano Wellness Seminars

Sheila Paige
Founder of Keyboard Wellness Seminar and Piano Wellness Seminars

Sheila Paige

Sheila Paige’s reputation as a teacher attracts pianists nationally.  She commutes to Dallas, Austin, Knoxville, Nashville, Memphis, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Raleigh, Charlotte, Clearwater and Phoenix to teach on a regular basis.  Ms. Paige has taught at Immaculata University and Chestnut Hill College in the Philadelphia area and is currently on the faculty at Cleveland State University.   Her students include many university faculty members and performers who have appeared with numerous orchestras including the Vienna Philharmonic and the Pittsburgh Symphony.

Read more about Sheila Paige...